In the world of art, any artwork falls under a specific movement like impressionism, cubism, minimalism, modernism, and surrealism
Interior design is just like the rest, belongs to some art movements
And to give any design a value we must include a movement or a style inside it.
Knowing that we are free to create our own style, but it needs a huge amount of experience and skill
But as an academic start, we need to follow and adhere a movements elements and vocabs
With it golden ratios, rule of thirds and its strong points and lines, symmetry and asymmetry, balance, and more of composition rules which we will speak about in the upcoming videos if god wells.
[Intro] Mohammad MUGHRABI, Interior designer&Visual artist
Before we start our topic for today I want to advise you to watch a tv show called "Design rules" for a British interior designer "LLB" consists of 6 episodes
One about space and planning, one about color, about pattern and textures, again about space and planning and one extra about personality, they define most of interior design principles that we talked about and we will cover in the coming videos.
I will include it in the (i) and the description box
Lets go back to our main title and review most famous interior design movements in the 20th and 21st century
Characterized with strong and bright colors, sharp corners, blues, reds, and oranges
Curves, bright colors, simple and elegant furniture no patterns, doesn't belong to a specific era or personality
Looks like modernist but it uses the less to fully functional interior design
Monochromatic colors which we will explain in the coming videos precisely influenced by Japanese artists.
Characterized with floral and mixed furniture and its complicated details grapes, golds, pastel, beiges, and purples.
A mix of minimalist & Art-Deco and a little modern in blender and results this style
New and recent, can not be clear, characterized with it strong colors, rudeness in details picking and our mentioned designer is famous in it
and because of our backwardness of civilization in our Arabian and Islamic countries, we see that all movements born in the west [Europe & America]
So I am going to mention a movement that I adore its details which is the "Islamic style" and its richness in vocabs
Mashrabiyat, Niches, Domes, Floral & Geometric ornaments, Porcelain "Kashan", Zellige, Muqarnas, Mosaico tiles "Cement tiles", Interleaved wood,
And lot more details that can not be covered with its beauty
With the civilization came and the huge amounts of art movements and its mix became difficult to pick pieces from one movement because of variations in
Market & Suppliers
Supply and demand
Material availability
Space & Area
And the most important [Client need]
So there is a group of general styles interior designer uses in present time lets have a look at it
With that said lets learn how to make what called a mood board which is a board that gathers materials photos of furniture light fixtures textures and colors and so on
And now lets have a look at some examples of mood boards about earlier mentioned styles
After getting familiar with the general look of the mood board lets try making one
On Islamic style for example
First step to choose colors
Sure said we will speak about color precisely
But I choose a photo and am gonna pick my color palette right from it
I chose this photo from Andalusia
These are the colors I extracted from, the whole process is random
I liked to pick marble for luxurious flooring
Bluish gray walls
Dark green mid-century chairs
Islamic arch with Islamic geometric ornaments for the entrance
White sofa to kill the dark green color of the chairs
Huge coffee table to mix and match the style overall
And its own styling
Eastern painting to match also
Huge lantern to be the focal point [will be mentioned in the composition episode]
Orange color for small pieces
Modern rug with a light blue pattern on it for example to combine pieces together
and that is simply it for a mood board!
Easy to prepare almost, and make one step closer to the final design shape
If we specify the style which we will work with and its mood board we would limit the open space of our design
and we left with an easy design process overall
In the coming episodes we will talk about color, lighting and materials & textures that make us so close to the final result of our design if god wells
that was our subject for today, I am MUGHRABI, Mohammad, hope to see you soon, peace